Friday, February 11, 2011

Excel Project!

Welcome to my Blog Post!

Today we are going to discuss my Excel project that I have been working on in my ISM3004 class at UF.


Avg of PctIncrease - Pivot Table - Candler
Microsoft's Excel program, a part of the entire Microsoft Office suite, is spreadsheet software that includes calculating and graphic tools, along with Pivot Tables.  While working on this project, I was able to expand on the basics that I learned from my Intro to Computing class over the summer.  Using Excel, I was able to take large amounts of raw data, manipulate it and produce quick scan almost dash-board like results using Pivot Tables.

For my project, I was presented with a large volume of workout data on hundreds of exercise enthusiasts.  Using Excel, I was able to take this copious amounts of raw data and begin to transform it into an answer for the study.  I used various formulas such as MAX and IF to find the results I as looking for.  Once I had the percentages computed through the formulas, I cleaned up the spreadsheet to make it look presentable and professional.  I then set it up to print on legal paper, one sheet wide with two rows frozen at the top, and headers and footers added.  Lastly, I took the raw data and created two Pivot tables to give the quick snap shot of the total date collected.

Full Screen Shot of Pivot Table - Candler
As you can see, Excel is extremely powerful software, that if used right, will allow a used to manipulate large amounts of data very quickly.  It will allow you to print out report, and boil the information down to quick, snap-shot, mini dashboard, known as Pivot tables.  The speed and accuracy of Excel make it an invaluable resource to any business.

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